Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Shy and Moody

Wednesday, 9th of September 2009

Hari ini communication book Effan kembali dibagikan. Ini adalah report untuk minggu lalu. Dan seperti isi report untuk minggu sebelumnya, lagi-lagi dalam report ini disebutkan mengenai Effan yang shy and moody kalo di sekolah. Tapi untuk one on one presentation mengenai tema minggu lalu, yaitu word with letter 'p', Effan mau melakukan dan dia juga bisa menjawab untuk every words that the teacher asked. Dan disebutkan juga kalo Effan need encouragement to join PE (I guess it stands for physical exercise) activity. He prefers to play by himself.

Yes teachers, Effan is a really shy little boy, especially when he has to be in the middle of community at his age. This is due to the location of our house that is near to a very crowded street that not allowed him to get out from our house's gate. Then he has no friend at his age at home. It makes him really reluctant to join any activity with friends because he is not used to it. So please teachers, give Effan extra time, extra energy, and also extra patience to encourage Effan, so then he will be braver day by day. ;)

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